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November Purchase
November New Moon Candle Crafting.
Ok sisters, who is ready for our candle crafting? You may have seen the Enchantments video that is going around facebook right now…beautiful magical candles hand-carved with spells. This can give you an inspiration for our crafting. While these are beautiful, I prefer to do my own magic and create my own tools because you just never truly know the energy of what you are getting from someone else.
You will need:
1. An intention/purpose for your candle. Choose your color based on your intention.
2. A tall pillar candle you can carve into – I like to get pillar candles that have a container or jar to hold the candle after you are done carving and infusing it. If you get one that is pre-jarred you may have a hard time getting it out!
3. A ceremonial athame for carving – you can use a butter knife as well, if not.
4. Any oils, herbs, glitter, or anything else you would like to include in your candle.
5. the symbols and sigils you will be carving into your candle. I will provide these to you!
If you have questions about candle and color magic, ask here, and read these blogs:…/candle-magic-invoking-the-po…/
Also, here are ideas for some sacred symbols and sigils for your candles. But you can use anything you feel called to use.
November blessings!
November is a month of abundance and gratitude. Set intentions now for enjoying the abundance that is already present in your life in simple and meaningful ways. Now is also a potent time to set intentions for bringing abundance into your life with ease. We will focus on gratitude and celebration of abundance this month. Visualize all you desire floating effortlessly toward you on a ship sailing the seas, traversing the four corners of the world to bring you what you desire. If you set your intentions at the new moon in Scorpio a few days ago, all is available to you. And with the veil between worlds still at its thinnest, you can ask your guides and elders to come forward and support you as you co-create your dreams.
If you don’t already, now is a perfect time to start keeping a gratitude journal. Start each day by listing five things you are grateful for, and then spend that day holding those very things in a place of appreciation. Because gratitude is an action word. Gratitude isn’t just saying ‘thank you’ or ‘I’m grateful for…’. It’s so much more than that. When we are grateful for something, we honor it. SO when our actions back up our words of gratitude, the Universe recognizes it and more blessings come through because like attracts like.
November Deities to invoke abundance, wisdom, and success
An Introduction to the Hindu Pantheon
It’s challenging to understand the complex and hierarchical Hindu pantheon without an introduction to this vast organization of ancient deities, so I am offering you a very basic insight into this vast network of supreme beings. Many gods and goddesses in this tradition have numerous names, manifestations, emanations, and aspects, which can make it challenging to understand who is who as a beginner. To see it simply, the gods and goddesses belong to one large family which is headed by the Supreme Brahman (Purusha or Isvara) on one side and Para Shakti (Mother Goddess) on the other. It’s Divine Masculine and Feminine. But even these two beings are of the same Source energy.
Lakshmi is one of the oldest deities found even within Hinduism itself. Ancient Pancharatra texts, dating back before the Upanishads (800-200 BCE), that adore Maha-Lakshmi consider her to be the root of all creation – the Para Shakti. They say that in the beginning, the cosmic soul, the original Source (Supreme Brahman) energy, known as the unfathomable unmanifest Narayana (Purusha), desired to create the cosmos. But he did not have the resources to do so on his own. He could not create of his own accord. (He needed the feminine!) As he pondered over this problem, his dormant energy – his shakti – burst forth in a blinding light, manifesting as Maha-Lakshmi, the Para Shakti.
As it is told, Maha-Lakshmi then placed the seed of divine desire in the palm of her hand and unleashed the dynamic forces of creation until the three worlds took shape from whence all forms of life came forth. In modern Hinduism there are still hundreds and thousands of deities, but most Hindu followers primarily worship a few main gods and goddesses who most of you have probably heard of: Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Saraswati, Lakshmi, Parvati, and their manifestations and emanations, including Krishna, Kali, Durga, and Ganesha. Despite all this, Hinduism is not exactly a polytheistic religion. It’s more of a monotheistic religion that follows the belief that one god manifests as many, and they’re all connected and interwoven from the same Source energy.
Our November Goddess – Lakshmi
We honor the goddess Lakshmi – the Hindu goddess of abundance, prosperity, beauty, grace, and generosity – at November’s full moon. But as you see above, Lakshmi is so much more. Lakshmi is esteemed as the personification of the beauty and bounty of Mother Earth. She is held in high regard in the Hindu tradition, where she heralds good luck and fortune. Her name is derived from the Sanskrit Laksya meaning ‘aim’ or ‘goal’. Almost all followers in Hinduism revere Lakshmi in some way, and she is found far and wide beyond the reaches of Hindu practice as well. She is found throughout the Buddhist and Jain traditions, even pre-dating Hinduism in some cultures. The importance attached to the presence of Lakshmi in every household makes her an essentially domestic deity. Householders worship Lakshmi for the well being and prosperity of the family. Businessmen and women also regard her equally and offer her daily prayers for their success. She is the wife of Lord Vishnu, the strongest of the Hindu deities, yet she serves as his strength.
Shri – The sacred name
The popularity of Lakshmi can be gauged by her sacred name – Shri. Just as the word ‘AUM’ is associated with the mystical side of life and the very name of God, the word ‘Shri’ is associated with the material side of existence. It is a sacred word in Hindu tradition, and when spoken aloud creates an aura of holiness. The words following Shri are then cast in the light of divine blessing. The word evokes grace, affluence, abundance, auspiciousness, and authority. This is why we often hear ‘Shri’ in Hindu chanting in reverence to a god or goddess. “Om shri Ganesha”
Shri is written atop most documents and spoken before addressing a god, a teacher, a holy man or any revered individual. Married men and women are addressed as Shriman and Shrimati, once they have been given Lakshmi’s blessings to harness wealth and support their family.
Shri-Lakshmi has a long history testified by the fact that her first hymn, the Shri Shukta, was added to the Rig Veda, the oldest and most revered of Hindu scriptures, somewhere between 1000 and 500 BC. She is a Divine Mother goddess, and so is accordingly addressed as mata (mother) rather than just devi (goddess) as many other Hindu deities are. As a female counterpart and active energy of Lord Vishnu, Mata Lakshmi is also called ‘Shri’, the female energy of the Supreme Being. And considering her popularity among Buddhists and Jains, it has been proposed that her worship may even predate the Vedic culture (which is the mother of modern Hinduism) – that she may have developed independently before being assimilated into Vedic, Buddhist, and Jain beliefs.
Lakshmi is depicted as a beautiful woman of golden complexion. She has four arms and hands which represent the four ends of human life dharma (righteousness), kama (desires), artha (wealth), and moksha (liberation from cycle of reincarnation). She is almost always depicted sitting on full bloomed lotus, which represents beauty, fertility, and purity. Her beautiful saris are usually embroidered of red and gold – red for activity and gold for prosperity. She pours forth cascades of gold coins to represent wealth, and will generally have two elephants accompanying her, often standing next to the goddess and spraying water. This representation is to say “that ceaseless effort, in accordance with one’s dharma and governed by wisdom and purity, leads to both material and spiritual prosperity.”
Symbols of wealth and royal power commonly associated with Lakshmi are auspicious to both Buddhists and Jains as well. These include: the pot, a pile of gems, a throne, a flywhisk, a conch, a fish, a parasol, nagas, yakshas, a footstool, a horse, an elephant, a cow, and the wish-fulfilling tree. And one of the most beautiful things about Lakshmi is that she is held as the divine power that transforms dreams into reality. She is prakriti – the perfect creation: self-sustaining, self-contained Mother Nature. She is maya – the delightful delusion, the dream-like expression of divinity that makes life comprehensible, hence worth living. She is shakti – energy, boundless and bountiful. To realize her is to rejoice in the wonders of life. In essence she is the bodhichitta, the soft, sweet spot within us all that connects and unites us.
Journal prompts for Lakshmi
What aspects of Lakshmi resonate most deeply with you?
What areas of your life do you feel blocked from abundance? Why? What are your beliefs around these areas?
The Trimurti
Younger sister to Saraswati – the Hindu goddess of wisdom, it is told that Lakshmi follows Saraswati wherever she goes. It many myths, it is told how the sisters were always in competition with each other for supremacy. Sound familiar? Thus most devotees believe that you cannot call in one without the other, and that for Lakshmi to bring her blessings, first Saraswati must be invoked. And that when Saraswati leaves, Lakshmi follows behind her. It is also believed that, to keep the abundant and wise energies of the sisters around, wise, discerned action and clarity is needed from the great remover of obstacles – Ganesha. Thus these three deities are often exalted and invoked as a Trinity, or Trimurti, whose energies work together to bring success, fulfillment, abundance, wisdom, and a clear path forward for you to take action. And this is why it is optimal to work with these three together.
Logically, Lakshmi and Ganesha both carry the energies needed to bring in wealth and prosperity. Also Saraswati and Ganesha have a common trait of being patrons of art and music, as well as blessing devotees with skills. Hence the three deities are worshipped together as they denote common qualities. The nature of their relationship is not given in any scriptures, yet these three are so often depicted and worshipped together. There are only glimpses of their relationship in ancient texts, and even those tell various tales. Sometimes Lakshmi and Saraswati are consorts of Lord Ganesha, while others say Ganesha was adopted by Lakshmi. All debates apart, the importance of invoking the names of these three deities together makes sense, and it is widely believed that true wealth comes only when a person has knowledge or talent, so for Lakshmi to come bestow her blessings of wealth you must have talent and knowledge present first.
Tulsi/Holy Basil
- Harmonizes body, mind, and spirit
- Means ‘beyond compare’ in Sanskrit. It brings calm, joy, and goodness
- Used for love, protection, wealth, and exorcism
Cinquefoil/5 Finger Grass
- Aids in prophetic dreaming and divination
- Brings love, money, luck, health, and wisdom
- Has highly medicinal, astringent, and antiseptic properties
- Used for money, prosperity, and fertility magic
- Burned as incense for protection and defense
- Creates lust and attraction in love magic
Durva Grass (Seeds)
- Sri Ganesh is easily pleased. Just by offering Him a little durva grass, he is pleased to grant one’s heartfelt desires.
- Brings the purest particles of God closer to the devotee offering durva grass
- Consists of three blades which represents the three principles of primal Shiva, primal Shakti and primal Ganesha
- Used as offering to Ganesha in Hindu worship
- Beneficial as a potent, natural diuretic
- Attracts love, lust, and prophetic dreams
- Used for protection, exorcism, shielding, and divination
- Useful as a banishing smudge, or aura cleansing shield
- Reduces and banishes negativity from outside sources
- Ensures good digestion and clear skin
- Purifies and burns away negativity to consecrate sacred space
- Essential oil can be added to skin care products to soften and moisturize dry skin, to reduce and slow signs of aging, to speed the healing of blemishes and minor wounds, and to reduce scarring.
Lakshmi – opalized citrine and pyrite
Opalized citrine means that when the stone formed, there was a higher concentration of water mixed in with the mineral. If you need abundance in your life, this is your stone. Citrine draws money like a magnet, and is a powerful Solar Plexus stone, so it can also be used to help you find your power and use your abilities to unlock your soul potential.
Pyrite is the glittering stone of possibility and potential. It reminds you of your deep inner worth, while enkindling your self-esteem and confidence. This strong Earth stone resonates with the fire element – symbolizing action, vitality, and will – the exact energies needed to create prosperity in your life!
Ganesha – fluorite and vanadinite
If you are seeking to align your natural talents and gifts with the desires of your heart, or are searching for your purpose in this world, fluorite is the stone for you. Purple fluorite resonates with the Third Eye Chakra and raises psychic ability, while green fluorite helps you channel heightened intuition and creativity.
Vanadinite is a form of orange apatite, a Sacral Chakra stone that helps overcome procrastination. It stimulates your mind and provides the creativity and energy needed to complete your tasks.
Work with these two stones together to first bring in the clarity and soul path wisdom of fluorite, then following with the stimulation and active energy of vanadinite. Success and prosperity takes constant effort and energy. The Universe meets our efforts. We can’t just sit on our butts holding stones and praying to Ganesha to open the way forward. Ganesha will reveal the way forward and remove obstacles, but only when we take the action towards our dreams and goals.