The Collective Unconscious Duo for exploring the Divine Feminine and Masculine within



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Let’s go deep beneath the surface and examine the very things that move our lives without our conscious knowing. My latest offering, The Collective Unconscious Duo, was created to explore the symbols and archetypes that influence the collective (and individual) unconscious. What is driving us? This country? Our action and inactions? This offering will help you access what’s beneath the surface so you can make changes for the individual and collective good. In this offering, you have the choice of buying my new Anima Men’s Cologne, Animus Women’s Cologne, or both. Each was intentionally blended with specific oils such as patchouli and amber that will help you to dive into the unconscious aspects of the feminine and masculine.

The deeper magic of my Collective Unconscious Duo

The collective unconscious is a term that was coined by the late psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung that describes the structures of the unconscious mind that are shared by the beings or individuals within a similar species. According to Jung, the collective unconscious is filled with instincts and archetypes that impact and shape a person’s life and subsequently, their life experiences. The archetypes and universal symbols include The Great Mother, the Wise Old Man, the Shadow, the Tree of Life, and more.

According to Jung, the anima is the unconscious feminine side of a man while the animus is the unconscious masculine side of a woman. In exploring the unconscious feminine and masculine aspects of one’s self, one is able to integrate and balance the masculine and feminine within.

My Anima Men’s Cologne was blended to take men into their unconscious feminine side, which is more receptive, nurturing, intuitive, and flexible. Blended with notes of patchouli, amber, and oakmoss and infused with a clear quartz chip stone, this cologne is earthy, deep, and dark. Patchouli is said to be more powerful than any other essential oil obtained from plants. Its uplifting, connective quality digs in deep: it helps to break long-held patterns of shame and low self-worth, inspiring balanced introspection and real self-love in turn. Amber is calming to the mind and is said to protect the heart, stimulate the libido and increase circulation. Oak moss is a soothing oil that is restorative and healing.

My Animus Women’s Cologne was created to take women into their unconscious masculine side, which is more assertive, pioneering, rational, and firm. This cologne is blended with patchouli and amber, as well as champaka for mood elevation, stress relief, and to release anything that does not serve your Highest Good. This oil also increases feelings of sensuality and desire. Animus is infused with a clear quartz chip stone to enhance and magnify the qualities of this most sacred blend.

Work with these oils individually or collectively to integrate your Divine Feminine and Masculine, bringing you closer to experiencing the wholeness of your being.

This listing is for one (1) The Collective Unconscious Duo. I have three offerings for you to choose from: one (1) 1 oz bottle of Anima Men’s Cologne, one (1) 1 oz bottle of Animus Women’s Cologne, or the Duo (both colognes). Please choose the offering that calls to you from the drop-down menu. Yours will arrive lovingly parceled, ready for your enjoyment.


Note: This product is made with natural essential and carrier oils and may contain fragrance oils. Cap color, chip stone, and color may vary slightly. For external use only.

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Duo, Anima, Animus

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