• Ground and Connect Hemium Quartz Vogel

      for restoration and healing

      <p>Hemium quartz is a rare combination of lithium quartz and hematoid quartz. It’s a stone of attunement, grounding, and ethereal connection that has all the properties of lithium quartz and hematoid quartz.</p>
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    • Red Jasper Regeneration Vogel

      for a new start with restored balance

      <p>Red jasper infuses everything in its reach with a grounding peace that heals and restores. The stability it brings balances everything – health, expressions, actions, and connections. It awakens the whole body, increasing stamina and strength. Work with these pieces for regeneration of mind, body, and spirit.</p>
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    • Lapis Lazuli Vogel

      for regal confidence

      <p>Work with this Queen’s Wisdom Lapis Lazuli Vogel to renew your mind, body, and spirit as you step into your priestess power. Hold it in meditation or place it on your altar to open your Third Eye Chakra and call in deep wisdom.</p>
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    • Brecciated Jasper Vogel

      for grounding & peace

      <p>This Vogel is hand-carved from brecciated jasper. Brecciated jasper is grounding and motivating, offering comfort and peace — especially to those experiencing unjust situations. Brecciated jasper can help reveal problems and make them right.</p>
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    • Clear Quartz Vogel

      for amplified healing

      <p>Clear quartz is the most pervasive crystal in the gem world and has three major properties: Amplification, programmability, and magnification. In the shape of a Vogel, this super gemmy piece allows you to direct healing energies where you need them most.</p>
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    • Green Aventurine with Quartz Vogel

      for healing & abundance

      <p>This enchanting tool combines the abundance-drawing magic of green aventurine with the amplifying power of quartz, creating a harmonious tool for clearing and mending energy blockages to prosperity.</p>
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    • Yellow Aventurine Vogel

      to release your fears

      <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Y</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">ellow aventurine is a member of the quartz family that gets its yellow hue from inclusions of mica, adding energies of physical and spiritual healing. It invokes fearless adventure and empowers you through lived experiences.</span></p>
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    • Blue Aventurine Ultimate Treasure Trove

      for enhanced intuition

      <p>This special offering contains four blue aventurine carvings, all custom-made just for Sage Goddess with stone sourced from India. Blue aventurine heightens intuition and brings visions of the future, helping you flow with the universe’s will during times of transition.</p>
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    • Quartz, Actinolite & Phlogopite Vogel

      for clearing & protection

      <p>This Quartz, Actinolite & Phlogopite Vogel is here to heal self-limiting beliefs and surround you with protection. Work with this healing offering to awaken and activate a powerful energetic shield and clear out anything that’s no longer serving you.</p>
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    • Sodalite Vogel

      for healing & rest

      <p>This Sodalite Vogel is perfect for keeping on your bedside table to bring you peace during slumber or to increase your intuition during healing sessions. Work with this healing offering to tune in to your inner guidance and restore your natural state of calm presence and awareness.</p>
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    • Dragonstone Vogel

      for healing & empowerment

      <p>We had this offering custom-made just for Sage Goddess. This Vogel has eight sides. Eight is the number of abundance and infinity. When the magic of eight combines with the strengthening properties of dragonstone, you have a potent talisman of vitality and inner power.</p>
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    • Misfit Mineral: Lepidolite Vogel

      <p>When everything feels overwhelming, turn to this Lepidolite Vogel for a soothing dose of serenity. Lepidolite is one of the best crystals for relieving stress. It forms an energetic barrier against negativity, dissipating it. Lepidolite lightens moods, regulates emotions, and has a calming, relaxing, and easing effect.</p>
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    • Misfit Mineral: Amethyst Vogel

      <p>Amethyst is all about connecting with Source. This Crown Chakra gem brings divine energies of protection, mercy, love, forgiveness, freedom, and transformation.</p>
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    • Yellow Aventurine, Lapis Lazuli & Healer’s Gold Vogel

      <p>Yellow aventurine invokes fearless adventure and empowers you through lived experiences. Lapis lazuli brings out your inner priestess, heightens inner vision, and deepens wisdom. Healer’s gold serves as a buffer, keeping you centered and grounded so that you don’t feel drained.</p>
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    • Scapolite in Hornblende Vogel

      for health & success

      <p>This Scapolite in Hornblende Vogel is a potent tool for channeling infinite healing and prosperity your way. Work with this offering to progress on your path with courage, confidence, and trust.</p>
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    • FREE Tutorial: Wands, Vogels, and Pyramids

      Learn about the true power of your crystal carvings with this Magical Mastery free Tutorial: Wands, Vogels, and Pyramids Class! Wands, Vogels, and pyramids have many magical uses and properties. Ever wonder what those uses and properties are? Well, fret no longer as I take...
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