• Natural Skeletal Elestial Smoky Quartz with Limonite

      for ancient strength & wisdom

      <p>Elestial quartz is one of the oldest, deepest, and wisest crystals and is only found in certain pockets of the world. This gorgeous piece was sourced from Brazil, and it emanates restorative Earth energy.</p>
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    • Limonite in Lemurian Quartz Point

      for channeling cosmic wisdom

      <p>This potent point combines Lemurian quartz and limonite, two crystals that connect you to higher dimensions and link your soul to those who came before. Work with this powerful crystal point to channel divine inspiration, healing, and awakening.</p>
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    • Natural Auralite 23

      for emotional and physical healing

      Call in complete emotional and physical healing with this powerful Natural Auralite 23. These natural pieces are straight from the Auralite 23 mine in Canada. Auralite 23 is a master healer of the Crown Chakra and eases emotional and physical trauma, including easing inflammation. This...
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    • Step Into Your Power Gemstone Duo

      for confidence

      Ignite your confidence and inner strength with this Step Into Your Power Gemstone Duo! With this offering, you’ll receive natural golden danburite and natural limonite pseudomorph after pyrite. Golden danburite, with its yellow color, is a powerful Solar Plexus Chakra activator, igniting your power and...
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    • Enhanced Telepathy Limonite in Quartz Cluster

      If you sometimes feel too overwhelmed by intense energies to fully explore your psychic gifts, including telepathy, this Enhanced Telepathy Limonite in Quartz Cluster will lift the world's weight from your shoulders. This powerful cluster was sourced from Brazil. Limonite is a grounding and clarifying...
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    • Natural Limonite Pseudomorph after Pyrite

      for enhancing telepathy

      If you’ve always wanted to explore the gift of telepathy, I have an extraordinary offering for you! This Natural Limonite Pseudomorph after Pyrite is NEW to Sage Goddess, and the stone was sourced from Pakistan. Limonite pseudomorph enhances intuition, clarifies your psychic gifts, and provides...
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    • Enhanced Telepathy Natural Limonite in Quartz Point

      Tap into your intuitive ability to communicate psychically with this Enhanced Telepathy Natural Limonite in Quartz Point. This powerful gem was sourced from Brazil. Limonite is a grounding and clarifying amorphous stone that enhances telepathy, activates the lower chakras, and assists with psychic overwhelm and...
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    • Indonesian Azurite Healing Priestess Heart

      Ready to awaken your innermost psychic abilities? Then this Indonesian Azurite Healing Priestess Heart is your offering! This powerful Third Eye Chakra opener was custom-made just for Sage Goddess and, as the name suggests, the stone was sourced from Indonesia. Azurite is a crystal of...
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    • Amplified Protection Tourmalinated Quartz

      for security

      Everyone needs a talisman of safety, security, and grounding - and that’s exactly what this Amplified Protection Tourmalinated Quartz from Brazil is. Tourmalinated quartz is a combination of quartz and black tourmaline, two individually powerful stones that, when together, possess magnified shielding power. Quartz possesses...
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    • Natural Golden Skeletal Elestial Quartz

      for cosmic growth

      Are you looking for a powerful connection to your highest self? This Natural Golden Skeletal Elestial Quartz from Brazil is a crystal of spiritual empowerment. It embodies the medicine of growth and works as a catalyst of change and transformation. Natural Golden Skeletal Elestial Quartz...
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