• Handmade Balinese Seed Rattle

      to aid spiritual work

      <p>This rattle is made with walnut fruit seeds, and the rope is made from wood bark. Incorporate this rattle into journey work and work with it to move stagnant energy and allow for high, sacred vibrations of peace, light, and love.</p>
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    • Leopardskin Jasper Generator

      for grounding & journeying

      <p>Leopardskin jasper is a journeywork stone that enhances deep spiritual meditation while keeping you safely grounded. If you desire a tool that will journey with you as you do the heavy-duty work of your soul, this offering is for you.</p>
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    • Tumbled Blue Tiger’s Eye

      for expanded vision

      This Tumbled Blue Tiger’s Eye from South Africa is full of psychic power that’s sure to elevate your sacred work. Blue tiger’s eye is considered a Priestess Stone. It offers protection and wisdom and activates the Third Eye Chakra for expanded vision. This gem’s gorgeous,...
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    • Tucson Exclusive: Shaman’s Dream Stone Wisdom Line Heart

      Access deeper insight with this Shaman’s Dream Stone Wisdom Line Heart. We found this exclusive offering at the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show and the stone was sourced from Brazil. Shaman’s dream stone, also known as lodolite or garden quartz, holds an array of healing...
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    • Tumbled Zebradorite Soul Memory Cube

      for wisdom

      Recall memories from deep within with this Tumbled Zebradorite Soul Memory Cube. Zebradorite is the stone of the soul’s memory - a powerful past life recall stone that helps with shamanic soul retrieval work. It also helps soothe the heart and calm the spirit, offering...
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