• Inari Incense Blend

      for prosperity & fertility

      <p>We handcrafted this blend of herbs, specially formulated to honor Inari. Burn this powerful blend to summon love, prosperity, health, wisdom, and power.</p>
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    • Upper Realm Herbal Blend

      to connect with your guides

      <p>This herbal blend was handcrafted right here at Sage Goddess Headquarters to embody the essence of the Upper Realms. It’s crafted with lavender, violet, and jasmine. Burn this an incense blend or work with it as an altar offering anytime you like — it’s perfect for ritual, meditation, or just to clear your space.</p>
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    • Bay Leaf Herb Jar

      for making wishes

      <p>Bring your dreams to life with this Bay Leaf Herb Jar — a perfect way to continue building up your own SG apothecary right in your own home! This bay leaf comes lovingly packaged in a sealable glass jar to extend its shelf life, with a pinewood spoon for stirring your magical blends with love and intention.</p>
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    • Alfalfa Herb Jar

      for prosperity & abundance

      <p>Alfalfa is a traditional healing herb that has long been seen as a symbol of abundance and prosperity. Work with this herb jar in your money magic and manifestation rituals to channel energies of wealth and success.</p>
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    • Rose Herb Jar

      for new beginnings & soul connections

      <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Open your heart to beautiful new beginnings with this Rose Herb Jar — a perfect way to start building up your own SG apothecary right in your own home! Rose is a famous symbol of love, luck, youth, beauty, passion, and attraction. </span></p>
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    • Insight Perfume & Incense Duo

      for connecting to your inner wisdom

      <p>This duo invokes the wisdom and intuition of The High Priestess in the tarot. Work with this offering to expand your awareness and tap into your innermost magic.</p>
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    • Horehound Herb Jar

      for protection & positivity

      <p>Horehound is a flowering herb classified as a member of the mint family that blooms with little white blossoms. It promotes physical health, emotional healing, inner peace, and psychic protection.</p>
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    • Team SG Council Spring Equinox Incense

      Every month I gather in a council circle with my beloved Team SG for spiritual nourishment, meditation, and fellowship, and this month, we decided to do something special for YOU! Embrace the growth and abundance of spring with our Team SG Council Spring Equinox Incense....
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    • Chakra Healing Incense Shaker & Alignment Incense Duo

      for energetic balance

      <p>This balancing offering combines aromatherapy with crystal magic, offering a unique way to incorporate healing incense into your practice. Work with this magical duo to purify your sacred space and achieve greater spiritual balance and well-being.</p>
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    • Cardamom Herb Jar

      for spiritual connection & wisdom

      <p>Cardamom is an herb of creativity, spirituality, and sensuality. Healers have worked with this member of the ginger family for thousands of years to promote both physical and spiritual well-being.</p>
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    • Limited Edition OG Elder Council Perfume & Incense

      for pre-order

      Well, this offering is timely. Sage Goddess turns 12 in July, and so much of our magic over the years has been woven into something called Elder Council. EC is a ceremony we hold once a quarter with our online class members to help them...
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    • Kundalini Discovery Duo

      for primal empowerment

      Reach all-new levels of spiritual wisdom, creativity, and power with my Kundalini Discovery Duo! You are here to be more. I believe one of the gifts of awakening kundalini is this: The realization that you are vast beyond measure, and this duo is the perfect...
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    Showing 1–12 of 13 results