• Embraced by Beauty Golden Shawl

      for sacred adornment

      <p>Custom-made for SG, this shawl comes in a beautiful golden yellow color for a truly luxurious experience. It’s loosely knitted for a sheer effect and is super soft and stretchy – wrap yourself up in this offering at home or out on the town to instantly transform any outfit into gorgeous goddess attire!</p>
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    • Orange Calcite Flame

      for stimulation & passion

      <p>This Orange Calcite Flame is an aphrodisiac in crystal form! Orange calcite is a stone of endurance, charisma, and sexual energy. It intensifies creativity, pleasure, and passion.</p>
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    • Shiva Eye Agate Obelisk

      for protection and intuition

      <p>Shiva eye, also known as eye agate or third eye agate, washes up on the riverbanks of India and features one or more concentric markings known as ‘eyes.’ Carved into an obelisk, this offering powerfully raises energy that expands your vision while shielding you from unwanted frequencies.</p>
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    • Trauma Healing Stick Agate Sphere

      for self-love and acceptance

      <p>Stick agate is a deeply protective, powerful gem and a perfect choice for staying emotionally grounded and stable throughout any trying time. It’s also clearing, purifies thoughts and energies, and brings harmony and balance. If you’re looking for support on your healing journey, this sphere is for you.</p>
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    • Lapide Perfume

      for crystal magic in a bottle

      <p>“Lapide” comes from the Latin meaning “gemstone.” This crystal-inspired fragrance is blended with notes of cardamom, rose attar, carnation, nutmeg, sandalwood, champaka, and jasmine. Anoint with this perfume to help you shine like the gem you are!</p>
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    • Ground and Connect Hemium Quartz Vogel

      for restoration and healing

      <p>Hemium quartz is a rare combination of lithium quartz and hematoid quartz. It’s a stone of attunement, grounding, and ethereal connection that has all the properties of lithium quartz and hematoid quartz.</p>
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    • Rainbow Orbicular Jasper Sphere

      for emotional renewal

      <p>Feel held and supported with this mesmerizing Rainbow Orbicular Jasper Sphere from India. This is the first time I’m offering rainbow orbicular jasper. This healing gem is soothing, calming, eases stress, and helps with emotional burnout.</p>
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    • Peach Moonstone with Smoky Quartz Moon Magic Plate

      <p>Peach moonstone harnesses the creative powers of the moon phases and helps you birth and manifest your desires. Smoky quartz transforms and transmutes energies. It takes in whatever is negative or of a low vibration and holds that energy away from you.</p>
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    • Pendulum Perfume

      for spiritual guidance

      <p>Our Pendulum Perfume was hand-crafted right here at Sage Goddess Headquarters and is a blend of cherry, mimosa, fresh nutmeg, and clove. It’s finished with nuances of caramel, sweet brown sugar, and vanilla, and topped with a few drops of marshmallow root.</p>
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    • Red and Green Borneo Heart

      to ground, protect, and calm

      <p>Red and green borneo is mostly agate and quartz. The red in this gem is iron oxide and the presence of nickel creates the green color, making this stone grounding, protective, detoxifying, and calming to the nervous system.</p>
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    • Infinite Regeneration Red Aventurine Generator

      for strength

      <p>Red aventurine is your “can-do” stone and clears trauma and releases stored toxins. Work with this generator to raise the energy in your space and help you feel regenerated.</p>
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    • Black Obsidian Alien Skull

      for otherworldly protection

      <p>Black obsidian is a powerfully protective and cleansing Earth Star and Root Chakra stone. It forms a shield of protective energy that abates and absorbs negative frequencies and blocks psychic attacks. Work with this gem to tap into the protection available to you from the whole universe.</p>
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