<p>This rattle is made with walnut fruit seeds, and the rope is made from wood bark. Incorporate this rattle into journey work and work with it to move stagnant energy and allow for high, sacred vibrations of peace, light, and love.</p>
<p>Clear quartz amplifies energies and intentions. Yellow aura quartz activates the Solar Plexus Chakra for confidence, joy, and optimism, and purple aura quartz opens up the Crown Chakra for connection to higher realms and spirit guides.</p>
<p>Heulandite emits an intense, high vibration that charges meditation and ritual with the wisdom, vitality, and magic of the ancients. This crystal takes you deep, so be intentional when working with it.</p>
<p>Ocean jasper is a favorite among many of our followers, and for good reason – it’s the Happiness Stone. This high-frequency gem brings the happy. If you’re looking to raise your vibrations and swim in the happy, this Tumbled Ocean Jasper is for you!</p>
<p>The medicine and magic of mookaite jasper are in its ability to help you look at aging and beauty from a space of empowerment, rather than a place of loss or lack. If there’s a crystal source of eternal youth, this is it.</p>
<p>This wand combines the heart-opening and love-inducing medicine of ruby with the intuitive, psychic, high vibe power of blue kyanite. Work with this wand to align your energy centers, attune you to truth and wisdom, ignite your vitality, bring passion, and pretty much give you a whole new lease on life.</p>
<p>This gem absorbs negative energy, clearing and purifying the aura, and draws money magic, and prosperity. The key to manifestation is grounding, and smoky citrine will help you ground the energy of the Golden Ray (will and power) into the physical body or material realm.</p>
<p>These are clear quartz points that have amethyst overgrowth on top and alluvial etchings. Scepter quartz forms when a crystal grows over another, creating a crystal crown, and can be found in clear quartz, smoky quartz, elestial quartz, amethyst, and citrine.</p>
<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Each generator contains magnetite, one of the top five attraction stones, and pyrite, which aligns you with your desires and intentions. Basically, this piece is </span><i><span style="font-weight: 400;">exactly</span></i><span style="font-weight: 400;"> what you want on your manifestation altar, so snag one while you can! </span></p>
<p>Our Om Engraved Palo Santo offers deep healing across all planes — mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. Smudge your space with this offering to deepen meditation, raise the vibe, and activate Om’s divine magic.</p>
<p>This tray will make a perfect addition to your altar or could even be placed on your desk, nightstand, or armoire to hold your sacred gems, SG oils and blends, and more.</p>
<p>Amazonite is a Throat Chakra stone that encourages speaking your truth clearly with clarity and confidence. Rose, known as “Queen of Flowers,” is a flower of promises, new beginnings, hope, and healing, and promotes happiness and commitment.</p>