Are you searching for spiritual guidance? Then this stunning Natural Prasiolite from Brazil is your gem ally. Prasiolite is a master healer of the physical and subtle bodies and a healer of spaces. It’s a powerful tool to connect with angelic energies and draw you...
This Natural Strawberry Quartz from Brazil is full of tender, soothing magic and ready to bring more healing, joy, and optimism to your life. Strawberry quartz inspires you to live joyfully and purposefully in the now and encourages you to see the humor and beauty...
SUPER RARE STONE ALERT! This stunning Tourmidolite is a lepidolite pseudomorph that comes from a mine in Minas Gerais, Brazil. This stone started out as pink tourmaline and transformed into lepidolite over time, leaving only its structure as evidence of its origins. The color of...
Heal your heart on a deeper level with this Natural Green Cap Tourmaline from Pakistan. This stunning piece is a bi-colored tourmaline with a darker green body and a brighter green colored end. Green tourmaline resonates with the Heart Chakra and brings the energies of...
If you’ve been feeling blocked in manifesting your dreams or afraid to give voice to what you want, then this Natural Grandidierite: The Faith Stone is for you. This gem is new to SG and brings deep, lasting healing. I call it The Faith Stone...
This Natural Yellow Tourmaline in Black Mica and Quartz Matrix from China is a gem of positivity, confidence, healing, and protection. Yellow tourmaline is an uplifting gem that brings courage and positivity. Black mica carries mica’s ability to soothe the body and spirit, with the...
Are you looking for a powerful connection to your highest self? This Natural Golden Skeletal Elestial Quartz from Brazil is a crystal of spiritual empowerment. It embodies the medicine of growth and works as a catalyst of change and transformation. Natural Golden Skeletal Elestial Quartz...
This Natural Amphibole Quartz from Brazil holds potent shielding and healing vibrations that help you release old traumas and patterns. It’s a powerful Heart Chakra stone that opens the heart space to allow divine healing to flow in. Amphibole quartz heals the energy body and...
These Natural Enstatite Crystals from Pakistan are for anyone who considers themselves an empath. Enstatite opens psychic channels and also helps run your energy more efficiently to prevent psychic burnout and overload, or chronic fatigue. Enstatite opens your circuit channel wider so you don’t get...
Manifest and attract what you desire with this Natural Trolleite from Brazil! Trolleite is a Third Eye Chakra that strengthens your intuition and helps you manifest what you need for your soul path and highest good. It’s a powerful manifestation stone that draws what you...
This Natural Clinozoisite is the perfect gemstone to keep handy during the holiday season. Clinozoisite is a rare stone that increases vitality, enhances feelings of optimism and hope, and promotes patience. This is a great gemstone to strengthen relationships with friends, lovers, partners, or co-workers....