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5 Simple Ways to Recapture Ancient Bath Magic

5 Simple Ways to Recapture Ancient Bath Magic
Since ancient times, bathing rituals have been essential for a healthy lifestyle. From the famous Roman and Turkish baths to the Sandunovsky banya in Russia, volcanic hot springs in Japan, to Cleopatra’s world-renowned milk baths – people have been taking time to recharge in the healing element of water for centuries. Even today, people continue many ancient bathing rituals, such as bathing to prepare for magical rites or symbolically cleansing the inner soul during baptism. The word “spa” actually derives from the Latin phrase “Sanus per Aquam,” which means “health through water.” It’s natural to submerge in water – our first home. We all started peacefully floating in the womb, and taking a bath can be a symbolic return to that feeling of comfort and potential. Dive in with me, and I’ll show you 5 Simple Ways to Recapture Ancient Bath Magic.
5 Simple Ways to Recapture Ancient Bath Magic

1) Reconnect with the Water Element
Water is the element of emotion, intuition, and flow. When we connect with it, we can return to ourselves in a truly nurturing way. Water teaches us to be more fluid, honor the nature of our flow, and follow the stream back home. We can recognize our feelings, validate our needs, and tap into our deep psychic abilities. Allowing your body to indulge in a mindfully-drawn bath can be an act of genuine self-love. One easy way to tap into the fluidity of water is visualization. As you soak, imagine you are a river or an ocean, your entire being a seemingly endless body of water in which all of your emotions flow freely. All your feelings are acceptable, they all belong, and they move effortlessly in the rhythm of their own current. Release the need to control or edit your feelings and soften into them instead. Allow the feelings you wish to release to exit your life as you drain the water from the tub, leaving you cleansed and free to move forward without negative emotions weighing you down.
2) Make Yourself a Priority
If you’re like me, your days are busy with work and family responsibilities. It’s challenging to carve out time for ourselves, but we have to make it a priority. Whether you feel like it or not, you are a goddess who deserves to be loved by the most important person in your life – YOU! Tune in to how you feel moment-to-moment so you can genuinely take care of yourself. Permit yourself to attend to your needs, and nurture yourself. As long as your “to-do” list may seem, include yourself as a top priority. When you take the time to fill yourself up, you have more to offer everyone else, and your cup never runs dry. Like The Star card of the Tarot, your bathing ritual can be an experience of healing, appreciation for your body, and spiritual connection.
3) Include Your Favorite Tools
So how does a goddess turn a typical bath into a magical ritual? Add your favorite tools, of course! Are you all about crystals or candles? Do you love a good essential oil, bath salt, bath bomb, or luxurious soap? You can make this as basic or elaborate as you want. It’s all about creating a practice that will leave you feeling revitalized. I love to start by setting up my sacred bathing space. You can surround the tub with stones to help you tune into the replenishing energy you need. Why not add the magic of a candle to your ritual? Candles help us see things in a different light, and they cleanse, heal, and purify. You can add healing salts to your bath to purify, revitalize, and soothe your body, mind, and spirit. Add a fragrant bath bomb to nourish you from skin to soul. Lather up with a luxurious soap to wash away what no longer serves you. You can even add a pinch of herbs to soak up some natural plant energy. Or you can keep it simple and add a few drops of your favorite oil(s). Oils represent the water element, so you turn up the volume by incorporating them – but always remember to dilute essential oils in a carrier oil such as jojoba first because they aren’t water-soluble and can irritate the skin on contact. As you can see, the possibilities are endless, and I say let your creativity flow!
4) Give Your Bathroom a Mini-Makeover
Enhance the ambiance of your bathroom by keeping it clean and free of clutter. After you’ve gone through with your favorite cleaning products and scrub brushes, allow it to air out to have a neutral starting place. Consider changing the light bulbs to a softer tint and temperature. Add plants to beautify your space, remove toxins, add oxygen, and relieve stress. Play some music that makes you feel good and allows you to leave your worries on the other side of the door. Create a space that fully supports your goal of relaxation and loving attention.
5) Make Your Shower Your Temple
If you’re already super-excited about crafting your ritual but don’t have (or want to use) a tub, don’t worry! You can take this all into the shower. Place a crystal or two in the soap dish, and put a candle on the counter. Hang your favorite plant. Place a bath bomb in your shower, and let the steam release its fragrance. Cleanse with a luxurious, magical soap. Create your own scrub by blending salts with jojoba and other oils, and as you polish your skin, remember that you’re also clearing your auric field. You can turn a typical shower into an experience of meditation and self-love.
In Closing
Bath magic is essential for your spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being. It gives you a sense of peace and balance so you can manage stress in a healthy way. Bathing rituals are customizable. They’re an act of self-care to replenish your energy. Have fun giving back to yourself and getting in the flow by creating your own bath magic.
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3 thoughts on “5 Simple Ways to Recapture Ancient Bath Magic”
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I take a long, relaxing bath every single night. I use Epsom Salts and essential oils and sometimes I’ll put crystals in the tub with me. I envision the negativity from the day rinsing off of me into the water. It’s a great way to recharge after a long day. It’s so very important to take a few minutes for yourself every day!
LOVE my nightly baths !!!! My daughter-in-law does too, and i’m sharing all the benefits of baths with my friends and family. To me they are essential in my daily routine. I love lighting a candle or having a wax melt going, turning the lights down also helps calm me, and the products are key to a good bath too. If I “think” i don’t have time for a bath and get straight into bed, i lay there realizing i have to take a bath. It just balances me, refreshes me, calms me, and helps me sleep better. Thank you for sharing the history and ancient traditions.
Bathing is so relaxing for me. My mother taught us how to take spiritual bathes when we were little ( 9-10 yrs old). She would play music, and light candles and tell us to relax, and imagine everything “bad” coming off from our bodies, and going down the drain. And DO NOT touch the candles!😂 i never did. We were only allowed to bathe, no showers. She was OCD with cleaning, and never wanted spots on the tile.😂 It funny that i never realized what she was really teaching us until recent years. Thank you mom❤️ RIP✨🙏🏾
And thank you SG for this blog💖✨