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2016: A Year of Goddesses & Archetypes

2016: A Year of Goddesses & Archetypes
I’m so excited about the launch of the 2016 Sage Goddess membership programs. I’ve spent the last two months designing two programs in particular that I think you will love – a Year of Goddesses, which will be the focus of my Full Moon Rituals and Magical Sabbatical program, and a Year of Archetypes, which will be the focus of my year-long course on the tarot and the Major Arcana. If you enroll in both programs, by the end of 2016 you’ll know every facet of history, mythology, herbology, and gemology as it relates to goddesses from 6 different pantheons including Mayan, Aztec, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Celtic, and Norse. Plus you’ll be an expert in the 22 Major Arcana of the tarot, understanding the Journey of the Fool and how it relates to soul path, purpose, and magic.
Are you ready to learn, grow, expand, explore, and be completely inspired?
If you’re new to working with me, let me introduce myself. I’m CEO and Founder of Sage Goddess, one of the world’s largest spiritual lifestyle companies, and I’ve been teaching ritual and magic to women from around the world in online forums for four years now. Before that, I was a university professor for a decade. Teaching is my passion. My university education is in comparative religion, and Spanish, French, and Latin languages and literature. I taught the history of Western Civilization to university students and am myself named after the Greek goddess of wisdom. I’m the great granddaughter of a Mediterranean medicine woman and a Native American tribal chief. This work is in my blood. And it’s my deepest passion.
I’m ready to share my passion with you.
Here are all the details of my three programs launching January 1, 2016. If you join Magical Sabbatical, please be sure to click here and subscribe to the year of Goddess Ritual Kits, which will be the basis for our class meetings where we will be learning about the gems, herbs, and essential oils that are unique to each goddess, her country, and her pantheon. The sets are limited, so you should subscribe early.
The Magical Sabbatical is an online course exclusively for women, a sisterhood of magical ladies who share a common interest in metaphysics, ritual, gems, herbs, sacred crafting, and energy work of all kinds. This year in Sabbatical, we will gather for 3 live and 1 recorded session per month, focusing on a deep exploration of the history, traditions, gems, essential oils, herbs, practices, and magic associated with one goddess from around the world. All sessions are archived for later viewing.
- SESSION 1: GEM WISE – Here we will learn about the 3 gems that are associated with the goddess of the month, including the geological history and specific mineralogical properties as well as the metaphysical properties of each.
- SESSION 2: HERB WISE – Here we will learn about the 3 herbs and flowers that are associated with the goddess of the month, including the growth patterns, metaphysical properties, and possible crafting and magical uses for each, including kitchen witchery and incense blends.
- SESSION 3: SACRED CRAFTING – Each month, we will gather to create one craft together, which will include perfuming, incense making, smudge fan creation, candle carving, sigil creation, gridding, mosaic art, and more!
- SESSION 4: MEDITATION – Each month, I will record one guided meditation for the group aligned to the goddess we are studying. Once each quarter, this meditation will be live, when we gather for Elder Council shamanic journey together – the most magical gathering of the season, held only 4 times per year!
Subscribe to receive the monthly Full Moon Ritual set, or get the January Full Moon Ritual set while supplies last.
For the first and only time, I am teaching an online course on the Major Arcana of the tarot! This course is recorded and accessible anytime via online archive once you subscribe. We will learn about two of the major arcana per month for the first 11 months, which will take us through all 22 of the Major Arcana cards. We will use the Rider Waite tarot as our learning deck, as I consider it to be the most important foundational deck for learning. In month 12, I will teach you how to conduct Major Arcana readings for clients, and offer tips for layouts, spreads, and complex interpretations. There will be two kits available for purchase each month aligned to each of the Major Arcana cards, with original art by Sage Goddess, that include a candle, two gems, and a magical perfume to help you connect with the card in a multi-sensory way. If you subscribe for the kits, you will receive the two sets each month at a discounted rate, and with one shipping cost. You can click here to subscribe to the kits.
In 2015, I taught a program called the Pillars of Priestessing, in which I highlighted one principle of spiritual leadership per month for the year. This year in 2016, anyone who completed the PoP program is eligible for year two, called Sanctum, which is a practical application of the 12 priestessing principles, with my guidance. We will meet for one live session each month, which will be focused on the Wheel of the Year in the Celtic tradition and one holiday from a variety of spiritual paths and traditions. Then, students will be required to create a ritual (solitary or group) aligned to a holiday from that month, and share what they are offering in our secret Facebook group to receive feedback from me and their peers. In December 2016, all students who have completed Pillars of Priestessing and Sanctum will be formally initiated as Priestesses in a sacred virtual ceremony and gifted with a custom tool to honor and reflect their learning journey.
Those who did not complete the Pillars of Priestessing in 2015 can purchase back access to the program and complete the Pillars retrospectively and then begin Sanctum afterward at Sage Goddess’ discretion.
Students interested in enrolling in all 2016 programs should choose the Pentacle level of membership, which includes access to all courses and programs in addition to a 15% off discount to the Sage Goddess online boutique, all year, without exceptions. I look forward to learning, growing, and exploring with you in the year ahead!
3 thoughts on “2016: A Year of Goddesses & Archetypes”
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Thank you for this information, Athena. I am so excited for 2016. What is happening to our current memberships as of January? Will they automatically be transferred or cancelled as of 1 January or do we need to manually cancel our existing membership and enroll in one of the new programs on the 1st? For those of us “upgrading” to Pentacle for 2016 it is probably a good idea for us to wait until after the 1st to sign-up for the monthly kits so we can use the 15% discount… Big hug and happy yule!
Greeting My sister and I are interested in the Elder Council class how do we sign up for that?? I do not see it as part of any larger subscription offering such as Pentacle or Tarot Happy New Year and Crystal Sun Blessings
Hi there. You’ll be able to sign up tomorrow at 🙂