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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse – The Goddess Winks

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse – The Goddess Winks
The full moon lunar eclipse on August 7th is fast approaching! Eclipses serve as spotlights; like turning the lights off and then flashing them back on. We have the opportunity to see, feel and respond differently. Sometimes it’s difficult to see what is right in front of us. Eclipses support shifts in consciousness, bringing changes.
We’re hosting a full moon lunar eclipse ritual to harness this lunar energy. Join us below.
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The full moon (when the moon and sun are in opposition) stands for the end of a cycle and is a time of fruition. We gain deeper awareness of ourselves, our projects, and our relationships. Then, the night after the full moon begins the waning phase when releasing work is well aspected. New moon is the start of the waxing/building lunar phase. The waxing phase culminates at the full moon. Symbolically, the full moon is birth or harvest.
This coming full moon is also a lunar eclipse. Eclipses affect our personal fields just as they change the earth’s electromagnetic energy field. We can expect emotions to be stirred and feelings to rise from the darkness within. The currents that run through our nervous systems are sensitive and pick up these influences. Whereas solar eclipses have more of an external effect, lunar eclipses bring up emotional and internal issues. The full moon can affect flow in our bodies, as it does the earth’s tides, as we humans are 70% made up of water.
We will be challenged to feel more of ourselves, which at full moon, often feels like someone else. We easily project our own issues onto others. The full moon combined with the eclipse may be just the trick to seeing more clearly in the mirror of “other”. What we attract in our lives often reflects versions of those very aspects in ourselves, whether or not we like them or take any responsibility in owning them.
In the sign of the water bringer, Aquarius, the upcoming full moon brings our attention to the greater good, the true needs of others, how we fit into the bigger picture, humanitarian and environmental causes, progressive thinking, and objective awareness, especially of ourselves in naked authenticity. Aquarius stands for liberation and freedom, but can be very rigid and fixed in its stance on individuation, social justice, human rights, and the need to be different and unique.
With the moon in Aquarius and the opposing sun in Leo, we are learning to be unique, individualistic, and actively supportive of freedom while belonging and connecting as real people with hearts, feelings and fears. We may suddenly become aware of ways we alienate ourselves by believing we just don’t fit in with the crowd, or judging the crowd for conformity. Have we rejected conforms of society, laws, religion, customs, and tradition in the name of progression, only to end up creating a new rigidity against the “systems” we see as oppressing us?
The Tarot card associated with Aquarius is The Star, major arcana XVII. The Star often depicts a naked, beautiful woman next to a stream, collecting refreshing water in a pitcher. She fills this container with life-giving water, which she will pour out in a gesture of hope, healing, and renewed mental and social perspective – to create a better for world for everyone and everything. Aquarius is not a water sign, although many less familiar with astrology confuse this. It bears the water, giving new meaning, value and purpose to what has become hardened, dry and barren. It revives and reforms by breaking molds.
Collectively, we are at a time in our lives where the balance between our personal sense of purpose, desires, and demands and the needs of the many, the citizens of humanity, requires revolution. Not a violent revolution, but serious, intentional, active change. We are stewards of nature’s resources. Our leaders are stewards of its people’s resources. We must learn to think big and small at the same time, honoring humanity as a whole and each individual person’s right to express and shine in their own way.
Use the cosmic power of this full moon lunar eclipse to open your heart and mind in new ways. May you bring healing water, hope, and a brilliant guiding star to yourself and anything around you in need of forward thinking, improvement, and evolution. Let us all bridge the passion and generosity of our hearts with positive social action, using our minds, words, connections, resources, and talents to really make a difference. May we each feel the lunar eclipse in space as our own internal shadow and light, and remember the truth of “as within, as without” and “as above, so below” personally and collectively, one and the same.
Watch our free Sage Goddess astrology videos on Leo and Aquarius to learn more about these signs.
3 thoughts on “Full Moon Lunar Eclipse – The Goddess Winks”
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Thank you for the information
Merry Meet Athena,
Will you please start having the New Moon Rituals for us? You’d stated that you were no longer going to presenting the classes in the lat reitual so as to write your books. That’s fantastic news for you and what you are doing! However, who will take your position as the teacher if that is an option?
I’ve wanted to work with for what seems like forever. Please let me know … the youn lady I spoke with today didn’t ha’be any of my answers honestly.
Let me know by ph ” 512-965-8291″ or email: “[email protected]” at you soonest availability, please.
A very enlightening message of renewed hope & a sense of giving to our communities that which we are able. And to realize our own feelings & thoughts from within. Thank you.